My name is Taline Levonian and I am the owner and creator of Artsy Voiceprint. I design every voiceprint and soundwave with a passion for simplicity, design, and a love for preserving the special moments and sounds that fill our lives.
{how it all began}
Back in 2013, I started creating soundwave art after my search for a wedding keepsake led me to realize that there was a need to develop something fresh. After days of brainstorming and playing around with ideas, I designed a unique piece using the audio of my wedding vows. The soundwaves evoked the emotions of that special moment in a deeply personal yet simple way. I fell in love with the idea and so it began...
I started Artsy Voiceprint to memorialize all the memorable sounds in our life and to help those who won't settle for the ordinary, find a meaningful and beautiful way to turn their cherished memories into art.
{a day in the life}
Most mornings, my work day starts immediately after I drop off my kids at school and down a cup of coffee.
I work from my home office which is located in the sun room. It's a happy place. The abundant sunshine fills the room with vibrance but it comes alive mostly because it hums all day long with the eclectic sounds I receive from my customers. At times, I rock to country music, other times I imagine the deep joy a mother will feel when she hears her daughter's "I love you Mom," and almost every day I am moved by the steadfast beating of a baby's heart. I revel at the fact that I take part in life's most treasured moments and sentiments.
When I am not replying to emails, creating art, or jotting down new design ideas, I try to spend my time outdoors with my family, enjoying nature, and always listening to music. I now pay more attention to the sounds that make up our memories and find that I cherish my children's laughter more than anything.
{the bigger picture}
Artsy Voiceprint isn’t just my small business, it’s become a defining part of who I am. I keep the personal, the passionate, and the simply-designed touch in every aspect of my work. Above all, I care that the process of creating a unique piece of art for my customers is as gratifying for them as it is for me.
I truly appreciate your interest in my work.

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Email me at the address below or submit your question using the form.
If you'd like to inquire about a collaboration, please send me a bit of info about yourself. I look forward to hearing from you!